Overview of iOS 11+ frameworks

Vikas Kore
4 min readAug 14, 2018

for Overview of iOS frameworks introduced in iOS 8,9 and 10

for Overview of iOS frameworks introduced before iOS 8

Following are the list of frameworks introduced in iOS 11+

1. ARKit (Augmented Reality Kit) [iOS 11+]

Allows you to easily create unparalleled augmented reality experiences for iPhone and iPad, By blending digital objects and information with the environment around you.
ARKit takes apps beyond the screen, freeing them to interact with the real world in entirely new ways.
Available on device with Apple A9 & Processors.

2. Core-ML [iOS 11+]

Integrate machine learning models into your app.
Core ML is the foundation for domain-specific frameworks and functionality. it supports Vision for image analysis, Foundation for natural language processing (for example, the NSLinguisticTagger class), and GameplayKit for evaluating learned decision trees. Core ML itself builds on top of low-level primitives like Accelerate and BNNS, as well as Metal Performance Shaders.

3. Core NFC (Near Field Communication Chip) [iOS 11+]

Your app can read tags to give users more information about their physical environment and the real-world objects in it. For example, your app might give users information about products they find in a store or exhibits they visit in a museum.
Reading NFC NDEF tags is supported on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.

4. Vision [iOS 11+]

Apply high-performance image analysis and computer vision techniques to identify faces, detect features, and classify scenes in images and video.

5. Drag and Drop [iOS 11+]

With drag and drop in iOS, users can drag items from one onscreen location to another using continuous gestures. A drag-and-drop activity can take place in a single app, or it can start in one app and end in another.

All drag and drop features are available on iPad. On iPhone, drag and drop is available only within an app.

6. PDFKit [iOS 11+]

Display and manipulate PDF documents in your applications.

7. Core NFC [iOS 11.0+]

Your app can read tags to give users more information about their physical environment and the real-world objects in it. For example, your app might give users information about products they find in a store or exhibits they visit in a museum.

Using Core NFC, you can read Near Field Communication (NFC) tags of types 1 through 5 that contain data in the NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF). To read a tag, your app creates an NFC NDEF reader session and provides a delegate. A running reader session polls for NFC tags and calls the delegate when it finds tags that contain NDEF messages, passing the messages to the delegate. The delegate can read the messages and handle conditions that can cause a session to become invalid.

8. IOSurface [iOS 11.0+]

Share hardware-accelerated buffer data (framebuffers and textures) across multiple processes. Manage image memory more efficiently.
The IOSurface framework provides a framebuffer object suitable for sharing across process boundaries. It is commonly used to allow applications to move complex image decompression and draw logic into a separate process to enhance security.

9. DeviceCheck [iOS 11.0+]

Using the DeviceCheck APIs, in combination with server-to-server APIs, you can set and query two bits of data per device, while maintaining user privacy. You might use this data to identify devices that have already taken advantage of a promotional offer that you provide, or to flag a device that you’ve determined to be fraudulent. The DeviceCheck APIs also let you verify that the token you receive comes from an authentic Apple device on which your app has been downloaded.

10. FileProvider [iOS 11.0+]

Implement a File Provider extension so that other apps can access the documents and directories stored and managed by your containing app.
If your app is primarily focused on storing and managing user documents, you can implement a File Provider extension to give users access to their content while they’re using other apps.

11. BusinessChat [iOS 11.3+]

Let customers chat with your business using the Messages app.
Business Chat lets customers chat directly with your business using the Messages app on their device, and it lets you respond to those messages through your Customer Service Platform (CSP). Your CSP provider implements the server-to-server REST API that makes it possible to send and receive texts and photos, request payment through Apple Pay, and much more. Customers can even start a chat from your app with the tap of a button.

12. ClassKit [iOS 11.4+]

Educational apps provide access to resources like books and videos while reinforcing learning through interactive visualizations, games, and assessments. ClassKit lets you organize educational material so that teachers can assign activities to students and see their progress.

The ClassKit environment consists of a teacher’s iOS device (or devices) and many student iOS devices communicating through iCloud. Each device runs your app (plus other educational apps) along with Apple’s Schoolwork app, with ClassKit acting as a hub on the device. Using Schoolwork, teachers can see what assignable content your app exposes to ClassKit. They can then create assignments based on that content, and monitor progress of all their students. Meanwhile, students use Schoolwork to receive assignments that link directly to content in your app.

Best of Luck !

