Overview of iOS 13.0+ frameworks

Vikas Kore
3 min readAug 26, 2019


iOS 13+ will release in next month sept 2019, lets have a brief about beta frameworks

Bundle Resources

A bundle is a directory with a standardized hierarchical structure that holds executable code and the resources used by that code. The bundle contains resources that may be accessed at runtime, such as images, audio files, user interface files, and property lists.


Declare the user interface and behavior for your app on every platform.


Use the BackgroundTasks framework to keep your app content up to date and run tasks requiring minutes to complete while your app is in the background. Longer tasks can optionally require a powered device and network connectivity.


Customize handling of asynchronous events by combining event-processing operators.
The Combine framework provides a declarative Swift API for processing values over time. These values can represent many kinds of asynchronous events. Combine declares publishers to expose values that can change over time, and subscribers to receive those values from the publishers.


You may want to create a miniature representation, or thumbnail, of a file and its contents to display within your app. The QuickLookThumbnailing framework provides an API to generate thumbnails using the QLThumbnailGenerator object. It can generate thumbnails for common file types, including:
Live Photos
Text files
Audio and video files
Augmented reality objects using the USDZ file format (iOS and iPadOS only)

Core Audio Types

Use specialized data types to interact with audio streams, complex buffers, and audiovisual timestamps.
The CoreAudioTypes framework declares common data types and constants used by other Core Audio interfaces. This framework also includes a handful of convenience functions.

Core Haptics

Compose and play haptic patterns to customize your iOS app’s haptic feedback.
Core Haptics lets you add customized haptic and audio feedback to your app. Use haptics to engage users physically, with tactile and audio feedback that gets attention and reinforces actions. Some system-provided interface elements — like pickers, switches, and sliders — automatically provide haptic feedback as users interact with them. With Core Haptics, you extend this functionality by composing and combining haptics beyond the default patterns.


Use the SoundAnalysis framework to analyze audio and recognize it as a particular type, such as laughter or applause. The framework performs its analysis using a Core ML model trained by an MLSoundClassifier. Using the framework’s ability to analyze streamed or file-based audio lets you add intelligent audio recognition capabilites to your app.


VisionKit is a small framework that lets your app use the system’s document scanner. Present the document camera as a view controller, which covers the entire screen like the camera function in Notes. Implement the VNDocumentCameraViewControllerDelegate in your own view controller to receive callbacks from the document camera, such as completed scans.

Apple CryptoKit

Use Apple CryptoKit to perform common cryptographic operations:

  • Compute and compare cryptographically secure digests.
  • Use public-key cryptography to create and evaluate digital signatures, and to perform key exchange. In addition to working with keys stored in memory, you can also use private keys stored in and managed by the Secure Enclave.
  • Generate symmetric keys, and use them in operations like message authentication and encryption.


With MetricKit, you can receive on-device app power and performance metrics captured by the system. A registered app receives reports containing data about the previous 24 hours at most once per day.
Use the data in the reports to help improve the performance of your app.
The framework includes:

  • A manager class and a subscriber protocol.
  • A payload class for reported data.
  • Classes for each category of metrics.
  • Classes for measurement units, such as bars of cellular connectivity.
  • Classes for representing accumulated data such as histograms.

Click on this link to have overview on other iOS frameworks: https://medium.com/@vikaskore/a-overview-of-ios-frameworks-79fa2d195694

Thank you, Happy coding…



Vikas Kore
Vikas Kore

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